Kindergarten, 1990. My first work, “The Bose Bosbros” (The Bossy Brothers), told the embellished but mostly true tale of my tyrannical older brothers who did not let me have hot chocolate and then banished me to my room. It was typed, printed and delivered to the hands of my proud parents (who did nothing to punish my brothers, despite the scathing exposé!).
It’s safe to say that I was made to write. Pictured below are just the notebooks that I could fit into the frame from my decades of scrivening. In one of those notebooks, an eight-year-old me wrote down my dream of becoming a “famos author.”
I do have a B.A. from MSUD and MFA in Creative Writing from Regis University, but I haven’t always taken the most conventional path getting there. Like that period of time when I hitchhiked, dumpster-dived and couchsurfed my way through the West, a saga which is told in my travel memoir Thumb Out (currently seeking representation). Or that year I lived in Japan, then stopped by SE Asia and India on my way home.
These days I’m a little more domesticated, living in a cozy chateau with my gorgeous wife, Hannah. I work as a copywriter, serving up websites, blogs, bios and anything else involving words that I can offer entrepreneurs and small businesses, while still writing and publishing creatively. Life has had its ups and downs, but through it all, writing has always been my salvation, my torment, my obsession, and the most constant of all my psychoses.
Haven’t I talked about myself enough? Just a few more things you must know…
I was born and raised in Denver, CO. I’ve been to 14 countries and 3 continents (and I’m not even close to being done). I’m a wanderer, yogi, entrepreneur, educator and oneironaut. My flash fiction collection Rain Check was published in August 2016 from Truth Serum Press. My articles, flash fiction, short stories, creative non-fiction and works of poetry can be found in Connotation Press, Boston Literary Magazine, Bartleby Snopes and Literary Orphans, among many others. If all that wasn’t enough, I teach yoga for kids through my story-based company, Tall Tales Yoga. I am also the editor in chief and founder of the podcast Rocky Mountain Revival, Audio Art Journal.
See my portfolio for creative writing and samples of professional copywriting and other works.
Inquire or just say howdy through my contact form.